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如果任一诉讼由任一个党提出给这个协议强制执行任一个供应因此, 战胜的党将有资格恢复, 除其他安心之外, 合理的律师的费和诉讼或仲裁费用和费用14 综合化这个协议构成党的整个理解和协议的综合化谈到事态提到在这个;雇员, 代表他自己和他的代表, 配偶, 代理, 承继人和分配, 发布和释放公司和COMPANY#39s 前, 现在或未来官员, 雇员, 代表, 代理, 受托人, 律师, 股东, 承保人, 前辈, 父母, 会员, 收益计划, 后继者, 承继人主任;predecessors是前任的意思predecessonn 前任,前辈 网络 前任前辈前身 专业 前驱 计算机科学技术He inherited an impossibly difficult situation from its predecessors他从其前任手里接过了一个极为困难的;综述Hillary Clinton#39s marriage is one of the most incredible marriages of the 20th century Even when Clinton betrayed Hillary again and again, Hillary always understood and supported Clinton with her heart of;predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科。

Meet some unclear in meanings difficult understand of the phrase can#39t translate of time, can keep sentence completely the white turn, coming out the language sentence expression that the meaning that original;指的是每个活动的关系,包括开始开始,结束结束,开始结束和结束开始四种;have pay much attention to the heavy metal pollution problem of the soilplant system, and the tolerance mechanism of plants to heavy metals becomes the one of the hotspots There are countless predecessors;你的理解是对的,predecessors有“前任”的意思。

next time,and the percentage of success will be bigger as wellMoreever it was sum up by the predecessors and has been prove,so I agree with the opinion that the failure is the mother of success;give love to ourselves and other peopleIf you think of others everyehere,you and I will get much moreTo gain and give are both happyPlease treasure everything given by our predecessors希望能帮上你喔;predecessors?新计画比原先的计画更能令人满意吗?英英解释形容词acceptable1 worthy of acceptance or satisfactory 2 judged to be in conformity with approved usage 同义词accepted 3 meeting requirements 同义词。


His inspiration come from? David Copperfield used his own words, inspired by quotnot only from other magician predecessors,quot but also by the impact of a number of entertainment professionals, such as rock band;所以第一句的第二并列部分宜改为and always consulted with predecessor in an open mind3apply是行为动词,不需要助动词do来构成过去式,所以第二句宜改成He also pay much attention to applying accountancy theory;quotextreme pioneers whoquot will tear down the traditional vertical skating games are played another high rub slippery railing, jumping steps, U pool that occurs when somersault Roller skating for its predecessors。




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