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1、thousand times no! 绝对办不到Don#39t mention it 没关系,别客气Who knows! 天晓得It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起How come 怎么回事,怎么搞的Easy does it 慢慢来Don#39t push me;处理好人际关系最重要的是 相信,Trust 想要什么时候结婚 29岁 发火了会有什么举动那个虽然我的脾气比较暴躁但如果发火了会做什么想不起来了 喜欢的星期 星期日 想要给所爱的人唱的歌 我的全部都给你 喜欢的水果橘子 讨厌的水果苹果 喜欢的季节春天 讨厌的季节夏天和冬天 喜欢;that we truly trust 也许那是我们真实的期盼 there is a rainbow for you and me 这里的彩虹美好属于你我 a beautiful sunrise eternally 美丽的日出是那样的永恒god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 wherever you are,无论你在何处 do you believe it, can you recieve it?你会相信她吗?你;3 Do not share any information about your hacking projects with anyone but those you#39#39d trust不要将你已破解的任何信息与人分享,除非此人绝对可以信赖 4 When posting on BBS#39#39s Bulletin Board Systems be as vague as possible when describing your current hacking projects BBS#39#39s CAN be。


2、trust 是“信任”,believe 是“相信”,trust的程度更深,更严肃举例1,你跟朋友聊天,说到某条新闻,你的朋友不信,认为你编的,你说Believe me!相信我意思就是我说的是真的,没骗你2,你撒谎骗了你的朋友,而且后果比较严重,导致你的朋友不再信任你,这时就应该说 Trust me!相信我!意思就是信任;1Check the personal profile, determine there is no important personal careful what you trust people on the the net friend in fact is go to see friends, for security reasons, to travel together with initial;sophisticated quality control instruments, and strong technical force, in just a few years, made a large number of new and old customers trustWith my partner#39s customers are South Korea Industry Co, Ltd Datong Datong Agricultural Machinery Nanjing Co Ltd Mettler Toledo;在英语交流中,quotTMquot是一个常见的缩写词,其全称为quotTrust Mequot,直接翻译为“相信我”这个缩写广泛用于表示对他人的信任,尤其是在在线聊天和非正式场合其中文拼音是quotxiāng xìn wǒquot,在英语中的流行度达到了130,属于Internet领域的常见缩写词在技术性或非正式的交流中,quotTMquot的运用广泛,例如;新型骗局,与外国人聊天,他说给你寄现金包裹是通过利益诱惑进行的诈骗行为很多美国妇女都希望自己能够在家庭与事业中找到一种平衡在家上班当然是再完美不过的解决办法此类骗局就是针对这种心理,精心设计最常见的形式是收到猎头公司的Email,说是能帮找到在家上班的工作,不但工作轻松,而且每周能;聊天中“rn”是right now的缩写,意味现在此时此刻 缩写是英语聊天中比较经常会碰到的,主要为一些常用单词或词组的首字母组合而成,目的是聊天快速方便而自然TM = Trust Me 相信我 TC = Take care 保重 TAM = Tomorrow AM 明天上午 TBC = To be continued 未完待续 TIA = Thanks in advance 提前感谢。

3、Lol = laughing out loud lots of laughs 大笑 Lmao = laughing my ass off 笑掉屁股 WTF = what the f u c k 等同于“吊”WTH = what the hell 比较文雅的 WTF ,常作为疑问“怎么会这样”FTW = for the win 相当于“必胜”Omg = oh my God 相当于“天呀”Omfg = oh my。

4、TM = Trust Me TMI = Too Much Information TMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That Be TSR = Totally Stuck in RAM TTFN = Ta Ta For Now TTT = That’s The TicketTo The Top TTULTTYL = Talk To You Later TWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A Bit TY =;quotBTWquot是“By the way”的缩写,在聊天时用来表示停顿或转折中文可以翻译为“对了”或者“顺便说一句”例句Btw, if you wanna any help, I am here for you对了,如果你需要任何帮助,都可以找我6ASAPAs Soon As Possible 着急收到别人的回复时你就可以说quotASAPquot,越快越好一;trust信任 C B D A C 6 由日常生活的常识可知,很少有人带狗上班 7 通读全文,我的BOSS 是个人,也就是说是狗的主人 8 with有“跟某人一起”的意思,例如I go to see a film with my parents” 10 通过整篇文章的阅读,可以判断除了C外,其他的选项都不符合原文的意思 一 Can You Tell;trust 是“信任”,believe 是“相信”,trust的程度更深,更严肃举例1,你跟朋友聊天,说到某条新闻,你的朋友不信,认为你编的,你说Believe me! 相信我意思就是我说的是真的,没骗你2,你撒谎骗了你的朋友,而且后果比较严重,导致你的朋友不再信任你,这时就应该说 Trust me! 相信;In the present era of information, people usually spend most of their spare time surging on the internet and are reluctant to invite their friends for relaxation such as fishing, skating and hiking and so forth Consequently, the communication with their friends becomes less and less;TM Trust Me TMI Too Much Information TMTOWTDI There#39s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB The Powers That Be TSR Totally Stuck in RAM TTFN 20090604 请问一些MSN聊天常用的短语,比如lol,ttyl,btw, 111 20170818 OSITON是商标吗? 20161212 Who tm care you? 1 20091027。




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