ethics翻译,ethics and competitiveness翻译
中国的翻译家首次将“ethics”翻译为“伦理”ethics 英#39eθ#618ks 美#39eθ#618ksn 伦理学 伦理学 道德规范 伦理学著作 道德规范 ethic的名词复数 道德体系 行为准则例句It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics这是一个伦理学和经济学。
ethic伦理,道德体系 ethics伦理学道德学多指学说道德标准,道德规范多指道德准则ethical为形容词指关于伦理的,道德的合乎道德的正确的ethics多用于伦理方面,指符合于伦理学中所指的好的行为,常指公平正真地对人对事的品德Itsmembersareboundbyarigidcodeofethicswhichincludesconf。
At the end of the term our ethics professor gave us a testhe had told us to expect one and had warned us it would be included in the final grade首先,这句话的汉语意思是”在期末,我们的伦理学教授对我们进行测试他叫我们预测一个测试题,并且警告提醒我们,我们所。
moral 和 morality 一般都是指像十诫那样的严重的行为,比如杀人偷东西,是跨文化通用的 而 ethics 则是个人的选择,比如 Puritans 赞扬 Charity, hard work, sobriety and thrift 的行为 moral和morality 确实不好解释区别,都是名词,比如 morals and ethics 有道词典翻译成“思想道德修养” 我想到。
例句Different cultures have different ethics不同的文化有不同的伦理标准quotMoralquot作为名词,通常不会出现在复数形式中例句Honesty is a moral value诚实是一种道德价值观3概念差异 quotEthicquot强调道德标准职业伦理或学术规范,强调社会和文化上的准则和师范例句His business。
racial指不同种族的,不同人种之间的,没有褒贬色彩的,ethic是一个名词,指道德规范,伦理准则,如professionalbusiness ethic职业商业道德我想你要问的是ethnic与ethic很像,它也有不同种族之意,但偏向于指quot与西方主流文化不一样的quot,quot具有民族特色的quot,比如民族服装可以翻译成ethnic clothes。
职业操守 词典 Professional Responsibility professional conduct PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Work Ethic 例句1The teachers #39professional morality includes teachers#39 professional responsibility, the moral character and professional spirit教师专业道德蕴涵着教师的职业操守道德品性和专业精神2Can I。
短语词组1Ethics of Company Management 经营管理道德 2company#39s code of business ethics 停职是违反公司商业道德准则应得的惩罚 例句ultinational company ethics refers to a theory system of moral essence, characteristics and its norms on multinational company翻译跨国公司伦理是关于跨国。
ethical 一般指客观的社会道德伦理形容人时表示这个人是否遵循社会职业宗教家庭道德伦理例子是moral的律师并不想为有罪的人辩护,但是ethical的律师必须尽力帮助自己的客户,不管他有罪与否以上解释来源isthedifferencebetweenethicsandmoralshtm。
Yan stated in the preface to his translation of Evolution and Ethics 天演论 that quotthere are three difficulties in translation faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegancequot 译事三难信达雅 He did not set them as general standards for translation and did not say that they were independent of。
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