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intake翻译,in fack翻译


n吸收吸入吸入量一定时期内纳入的人数 网络进气摄入进气管 1uc食物饮料等的摄取量,吸入量the amount of food, drink, etc that you take into your body2cu一定时期内纳。

吸入,进气 液体等进入口 摄入,摄取 纳入数量 变形 复数 intakes 双语例句 1We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量2Nutritionists say o。

to modify food intake, 直接翻译成优化进用食物的营养吸收能力,翻译讲究前言后语,最好是整个句子一起翻译。

intake翻译,in fack翻译

意思是水摄入量,进水口例句1Deliverability and water intake capacity of oil well are very low油井产油能力和吸水能力都非常低2And with the optimization of water intake control method, the。

如何减少盐的摄入 how to reduce salt intake 很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~。

你好!daily intake collagen 每天摄取胶原蛋白。

应该是tolerable weekly intakeTWI周耐受可容忍摄入量 参见php?t=3130PMTDIProvisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake暂定每日最大耐受摄入量 PTDIProvisional。

intake翻译,in fack翻译

进气口 词典 化 air intake inlet port例句进气口的噪声太大,必须在一定程度上加以消除The air intake must be silenced to some degree。

The piston starts at the top The intake valve opens,the pistion moves down and sucks air and fuel into the cylinder In a diesel engine only air is sucked into the cylinder活塞从顶部开始进气阀打开。

收纳 shōu nà纠错 accept take in 广告每天45分钟,碎片时间学英语 新汉英大辞典 现代汉语大词典 收纳shōu nàtake in accept 以上来源于新汉英大辞典网络释义 专业释义 Storage Gathering zakka intake 短语 1。

Dust may cause damage to the eyes, slightly with water for cleaning, such as serious to get medical aid Not to make its vomiting and drink plenty of water caused by the intake, such as severe need。


ORing O型密封圈 intake manifolds 发动机进气歧管 threaded inserts 有螺纹的插入式接头 hose connectors 软管接头 at the integrated the water crossover 我是看不懂,感觉water前那个the是不是多余的啊 整句话的意思。

whether or not an athlete can have a healthy physique and complete the daily training targets superbly, the critical factor is the scientific intake of nutrition, at the same time it is also an important fact。

1document用充分的证据证明 研究人员已经用充分的证据证明,枫糖浆比所有其他普通甜味剂具有较高的营养价值2using the Health Canada recommended daily intake values for an average 2,000 calorie diet是现在分词作状语。

Ltryptophan is animals remain growth of the essential amino acids, lack of tryptophan caused animal intake, slow growth is rough and other symptoms Ltryptophan piglet in diet, usually as fourth restrictive。

1Eat too much fast food is harmful to health, because many fast food contains too much fat, sugar and calories2 In order to make us more healthy, we should reduce the fat, sugar and calories intake。



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