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tokenbased,token based


1、为什么基于令牌tokenbased的方式更好呢理由如下跨域 CORS cookies + CORS 并不能跨不同的域名而基于令牌能够使用 AJAX 调用服务器,在任何域名下你都可以使用。

tokenbased,token based


3、binlog一定要变成rowbased format格式,其实我们并不需要担心这种格式的binlog占用太多的硬盘空间,MySQL 56之后GTID模式都推荐使用rowbased format了,而且通常我们都会把控SQL语句质量,不允许一次性更改过多行数据的需要同步的table最好。

4、@SequenceNo=0,@end=CHARINDEX#39#39, #39 #39+@contentsif there is anything, it will be a stringbased name SELECT @start=PATINDEX#39%^AZaz@@%#39, #39 #39+@contentsAAAAAAAA SELECT @token=SUBSTRING#39。

5、截止BERT之前的预训练语言模型都是单向的unidirectional,包括GPT和ELMo,这样的方法对句子层级的任务不是最优的,而且对于token层级的任务比如问答非常有害BERT使用masked language modelMLM的方法来预训练,这种方法能够训练一个双向的。

6、in Korea Republic , Korea Republic music having being called quothappy Japanization of Koreanquot in Japan among secondary matter quotTang Le quot this name meaning of is Chinese Tang Dynasty music By the same token。

7、ALBERT认为,token embedding是没有上下文依赖的表述,而隐藏层的输出值不仅包括了词本身的意思还包括一些上下文信息,因此应该让HE,所以ALBERT的词向量的维度是小于encoder输出值维度的在NLP任务中,通常词典都会很大,embedding matrix的大小。

8、generally is based on its smallest node , the node is the token of the current activities of the network nodes From the equipment, the task just completed round robin token token to return to function。

9、个 token 的 vocabulary 词嵌入 31 Pretraining BERT 我们不使用传统的从左到右或从右到左的语言模型来预训练BERT相反,我们使用本节所述的两个无监督任务对BERT进行预训练这一步如图1的左半部分所示。

10、a quarter, minute, the same token, the clock will be allocated two hours to 30 hours, of course, Nantclwyd, in Llanelidan, Wales6 He based the game on the older sport of indoor tennis or real。


12、这种网路称为以路由器为基础的网路router based network,形成了以路由器为节点的“网间网”在“网间网”中,路由器不仅负责对IP分组的转发,还要负责与别的路由器进行联络,共同确定“网间网”的路由选择和维护路由表 路由。

13、At the outbreak of World War II, Japanese forces attacked Thailand After five hours of token resistance Thailand yielded to Japan on Dec 8, 1941, subsequently becoming a staging area for the Japanese。

14、这种网络称为以路由器为基础的网络router based network,形成了以路由器为节点的“网间网”在“网间网”中,路由器不仅负责对IP分组的转发,还要负责与别的路由器进行联络,共同确定“网间网”的路由选择和维护路由表路由。

15、English is the six working languages of the United Nations, Europe, North America, Oceania, as well as the main languageAnd English is the international organization, the International Conference on important。

tokenbased,token based


17、s story, he felt strongly that it was the quothand of Providencequot instructing Robinson Crusoe never to go to sea any more He told the young man quotYou ought to take this for a plain and visible token。



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