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tokens怎么读英语,token economy怎么读


1、单词读音音标为leks#601,lexer常被用作名词,在英国拉丁词典中,共找到88个与lexer相关的释义和例句lexer的中文翻译1法例句A good lexer example can help a lot with learning how to write a tokenizer。

2、单词音标英 sta#618l 美 sta#618l单词释义n 风格作风样式款式流行款式风度文体文风称号,称呼 v 称呼命名设计 词形变化动词过去式 styled 动词过去分词 styled 动词现在分词。

3、1K tokens直译是一千字符,官方称 1,000 字符大约是750个英文单词,假设英译中字数比为12,1500个中文字收002美元 ,约人名币一毛四多点,也就是约每千字一毛接下来有点难办了,一般人的“每千字”收费又是。

4、游戏结束的英文怎么读 To win a match, you must be the ruler who has the highest score at the end of the match要赢得游戏,在游戏结束时您所扮演的统治者必须有最高的得分To win a match, you must be。

tokens怎么读英语,token economy怎么读

5、现在又有了带有时钟收音机功能的电话机First we had clockradios, now there#39s the clockradiotelephone 8一些较老式的电话机仍然只收代币Some of the older telephones still only accept tokens。


7、例如Tears are queer tokens of happiness眼泪是快乐的一种奇怪的表示另外,as a token of或in token of表示“作为的标志或象征”We shook hands as a token of our friendship我们握手以表示我们的。

8、The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber However, when two monkeys were placed in。

9、Tokens of her childhood will await her So will we, with open arms 我看着她在车道上倒着她的新卡车车太大,而且太贵她就是不愿意考虑买辆开起来省油停起来省心的实用型汽车我想,原因在我她买这辆车就是为了让。

10、And in those days, Spanish coins were used a lot Sometimes stores used certain tokens because there was a shortage of actual coinage And then there is money as we know it today in notes and coins。

11、20160629 如何理解quot现代汉语的词,短语和句子结构原则基本一致 5 20080603 分析下面几个词的结构规则和使用规则 20130116 短语的结构类型 42 20190915 英语短语是否具有一个共同的短语组成规则? 2 20110701 1。


13、Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated他跟妻子各留下一半Soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other, but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited后来。

14、3Get 5 character tokens from Mystery Box开箱子获得5个人物道具绿胖子,吉他手,拿着音响的男孩之类20升级21 1collect points累计获得分2Jump 40 times in one run在一局跑步中跳跃40次。

tokens怎么读英语,token economy怎么读

15、Northern and Southern Dynasties when the State of Chen AD 557589 was facing its demise, Xu Deyan, husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves Each of them kept a half as tokens。



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