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Although they are threatened by the war,people still go about working望采纳。

I know just what you said That#39s why you#39ve got to be threatened by me You should be watching me,you should feel threatened Why you sleep, why you creep,you should be threatened Every time your lady。

从歌词内容形式到很多音乐技巧都有Thriller续集的意思,因此MJ就决定将Thriller和Threatened放在一起咯 Threatened歌词给出,歌很简单就能搜到,我就偷个懒咯Threatened Written and composed by Michael J。

did he realized what a huge mistake he made3 The local residents are threatened by violence4 Can you tell us why the morning sun seems bigger than the evening one?beautiful和pretty只是主要是形容好看。

这是介绍濒危动物的濒危动物 Endangered species An endangered species is a population of an organism usually a taxonomic species, which because it is either a few in number or b threatened by changing。


当真理受到威胁时,我们将坚持我们的立场 When the truth is being threatened, we will adhere to our position至于科学我们应当尽最大努力赶上世界最高水平 As for the science, we shall do its utmost to catch up。

The film’s protagonist, Joy, confronts the complexity of human experience, when her reign asdominant emotion is threatened by Sadness Joy used to believe that only positive feelings count,and she tried to。

中文太行山上是一部以八路军东渡黄河,挺进抗日前线,开辟建立太行山根据地的影片,它很有教育意义英文quotIn Mount Taihangquot is crosses the river by the Chinese red army soldier, very before the opposition。

or a river quotThe River Wildquot Trapped within this enclosed area are innocent civilian lives, whose lives are threatened by the antagonists, unless some condition is met or payment is madeSomewhere in the。

I said angrily quot people live a low carbon life, you#39re wasting If you wash by hand, the bucket of water can also be used to mop the floor, then swept the floor can also be used to flush the。


盗梦空间 Inception 剧情简介 多姆·科布莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰是一个经验老道的窃贼在人们精神最为脆弱的时候,他潜入别人梦中,窃取潜意识中有价值的信息和秘密科布成为企业间谍中令人垂涎的对象,也让他。


There is no greater crime than plotting and executing a war of aggression The security of the world and its people was threatened by this plot and destroyed by this war, the only possible outcome of which。

world and its people,was threatened by this plot and destroyed by this war! the only possible out come ? which is the great suffering the world has facedthere for i name? on behalf利益 of代表 my college and。

雨人讲的是两个兄弟的故事,一个叫Charlie Babbitt ,是个自私的嬉皮士,他只关心钱,另一个叫Raymond,一个孤独症患者,从不知道钱的价值当Charlie 得知Raymomd是他哥哥的时候,他正好知道自己的父亲留给了Raymond 三百万。


12 B错本句应用被动语态,因为“社会结构structure of society”本身不可能发出“威胁”这个动作, 它只能受到外界的威胁,注意后面“by短语”的提示,故B应改为“is being threatened”现在进行时被动态 ,也可改为“is。



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