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1、telegraph operator 英#712tel#618#716gr#230f #712#596p#601reit#601美#712t#603l#618#716ɡr#230f #712ɑp#601#716ret#602电报员 例句Later , ed。


2、Partially deaf since adolescence, he became a telegraph operator after he saved Jimmie Mackenzie from being struck by a runaway train Jimmie#39s father, station agent JU Mackenzie of Mount Clemens, Michigan, was so gr。

3、可以改成Because he was deprived of the financial means to remain independent, Thomas E dison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator或He was deprived of the financial means to remai。

4、sending electric signals over wires was the fastest method of sending information long distances At the age of sixteen, he went to work as a telegraph operatorHe later worked in many different places He。

5、in particular, telecommunications His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator Edison originated the concept and implementation of electricpower generation and di。


6、No wonder the UK Sunday Telegraph called Kangaroo Island #39one of earth#39s last unspoilt refuges#39Here is an island seven times the size of Singapore, literally crawling with wildlife The koalas aren#39t being cuddled。

7、CCITT 国际电报电话咨询委员会Consultative Committee International Telegraph and Telephone的缩写形式 中央处理器 中央处理器Central Processing Unit 即CPU,是微型机中的中央处理单元,或计算机的主芯片 字符character 字符指字母。

8、group ^rupn团体, 组, 团, 群, 批, 地界, 化基 v聚合, 成群 group group AHDgr#8250pDJgru8pKKgrupnAbbr gr名词缩写 grAn assemblage of persons or objects。

9、printing it in a freight car that also served as his laboratory For saving the life of a station official’s child, he was rewarded by being taught telegraphy While working as a telegraph operator, he m。



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