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emitted、emitted value instead of error


1、emit 英#618#39m#618t 美#618#712m#618tvt 发出发射颁布发表 ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击采纳为满意回答按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点采纳回答即可~你的采纳;因为e是元音啊凡是倒数第二字母是元音然而倒数第三个不是元音的,后面就要加双写ing比如说,swimming,running但是如果倒数第二个字母和倒数第三个都是元音,就不用双写ing了不过也是有特例的,像writing但是通常;She emitted a cry of painFull of pain充满痛苦的 A harrowing experience痛苦的经历 Causing suffering painful导致痛苦的痛苦的 experiencing intense pain especially mental pain经历强烈的痛苦的,尤其是精神上的;quotFlint by beating the more powerful, more brilliant light emitted Rousseau quot英语名言警句带翻译 A good orrow what you can do today 今天能做的事绝不要拖到明天 Live and learn 活到老,学到;而斯金纳的实验对象的行为是有机体自主发出 emitted 的, 称为ldquo操作性反应 operant rdquo经典条件作用只能用来解释基于应答性行为的学习,斯金纳把这类学习称为ldquoS 刺激 类条件作用rdquo另一种;避免接触 - 这个孔中会发出激光辐射 Avoid exposure 是指避免暴露在激光中,也可以翻译成 避免照射之类的,就是指不要直接接触孔中发射出来的激光束,不然会受伤;such as those emitted by Cobalt60 没有氧化层的铅色泽光亮,密度高,硬度非常低,延伸性很强它的导电性能相当低,抗腐蚀性能很高,因此它往往用来作为装腐蚀力强的物质比如硫酸的容器加入少量锑或其它金属可以。

emitted、emitted value instead of error

2、Note If you ran the last command in a terminal window, select and copy the directory emitted inthe last step 关于最后一步的双语例句 最后一步将数据通过网络发送到等待中的客户机中 This last step sends the data over;Brewing should be poured into the first cup 1 3 of the water immersion, until the fragrance of tea light emitted, then along the rim of a cup to pour over Qiba FenBrewed tea that moderate shade;these greenhouse gases on the radiation from the sun visible light has high permeability, and the long wave radiation emitted from the earth with a highly absorbent, can strongly absorb infrared radiation on the;指管理引导指挥不与murder连用Cexecutedexecute的过去分词指履行执行可说he was executed for murder她因谋杀而被处决Demittedemit的过去分词指排放发散例如,emitted electrons放射电子;causing to flow forth,any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body,the release of electrons from parent atoms,a substance that is emitted or released,the occurrence of a flow of wa。

emitted、emitted value instead of error

3、direct contact with it This involves the detection and measurement of radiation of different wavelengths reflected or emitted from distant objects or materials, by which they may be identified and categorized;emit的过去式是emittedemit的过去式是emittedemit的详尽释义是v动词散发,放出,发出发射射出辐射放射发行发表发出声音投放颁布释放出来,排放吐露喷出,喷射,排出emit的意思是vt发出,发射放射吐露;permitmit是重读闭音节,所以要双写t再加ed或ing allow low是元音结尾,直接加ed或ing 类似admitadmitted admitting。



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