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1、C A C D C D A B B D === 恕我直言,这篇完型写的很烂,感觉像中国人写的。

2、Television has changed people#39s life much since it was invented Now it has become one important part of modern lifePeople enjoy themselves after hard work by watching TV They can see some plays, some。

3、even the worldIf we can do it in ture way,TV is a good thing Television has changed people#39s life much since it was invented Now it has become one important part of modern lifePeople enjoy t。

4、know what happen around the world from TV news, and therefore become more knowledgeable secondly, TVs are very convennientChildren can watch the programs whenever they want to They can just turn on the。

5、the same as 1 跟一样 The two brothers look the same as each other这兄弟俩长得一样be虽是系动词,但用法和动词是一样的,放的位置也和动词一样,所以二句是相同的,没有质的差别。

6、A Healthy Lifestyle,the Chinese Way 一个健康的中国生活方式 Traditional Chinese octors believe we need a balance of yin 传统中医认为要想健康, 我们需要在阴 and yang to be healthyFor example,are you often。

7、increase in obesity among kids due to a sedentary lifestyle, and the flip side, an increase in dieting disorders due to the unrealistic expectations set up by thin actors on television shows and commercials。

8、People#39s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely on technology这个句子中的lifestyle 用单数是正确,指的是某一类的不健康的生活方式。

9、As the internet is developing so rapidly, the way of education keeps changing and new forms of education emerge surprisingly Especially during the pandemic of corona virus,online education has become one of the。

10、Then there#39s this year#39s host Hugh Jackman, who, while enormously talented, is not exactly a household name, nor is he the kind of quotgetquot who inspires The Reporters Who Cover Television to give the。

11、When we read the students’ journals that recorded their actions, thoughts and feelings throughout the Lifestyle Project, we were incredibly moved Over the years the Lifestyle Project has been modified, offered in an。


12、The rapid development of Chinese economy and the growing gap between rich and poor people#39s lifestyle, values and outlook on life has greatly changed, the busy fastfood life is a large number of young。

13、Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?What are the differences第一句可以看作省略句Is her lifestyle the same as yours or is her lifestyle different from yours? 用形容词different对应。

14、百分之百选Cyours是you的所有格,表示你的,你们的 mine是I的所有格,表示我的。

15、sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活方式静坐生活方式 例句筛选 1We should do away with the sedentary lifestyle我们应该抛弃久坐的生活方式2At home, television and the sedentary lifestyle are fairly ingrained, but。

16、My talk is about our students#39 lifestyleWe wake up at 6 every morning, sometimes even earlier than that We would get ourselves prepared by having breakfast and getting changed for school These would take。


17、even the worldIf we can do it in ture way,TV is a good thing Television has changed people#39s life much since it was invented Now it has become one important part of modern lifePeople enjoy。



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