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因为 supposing 已经是虚拟语气了,不用再加 虚拟语气的 shouldSupposing I accept this gift, what would he say?假如我收了这份礼物,他会怎么说答案是 Aaccept。

72的英文是seventytwo例句1想出一个数,然后乘以72Think of a number and multiply it by seventytwo2她目前排名世界第72She is currently rated number seventytwo in the world3这72人面临死刑。

We#39ll leave at 830 on Monday morning, if you like重点词汇如果 if in case in the event of supposing that 愿意 be willing be ready 星期一 Monday Mon早。

The Thirsty Pigeon 口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and。

If you want to see how a Japanese makes joke of himself in this aspect, I#39ll tell you this trick you may take him to sing karaoke and choose an English song for him Supposing the song has one。

suppose英s#601#712p#601uz 美s#601#712pozvt假定猜想,推测认为让用于祈祷语气vi想象,猜想 现在分词supposing过去式supposed第三人称单数supposes过去分词supposed。


倘 连 倘若 if supposing in case例句倘有困难,请迅速通知我们If there is any difficulty, please let us know promptly。

有两种翻译方法一种是虚拟条件句,表示跟现在的事实想法假如我死了,但实际上还没死例如丈夫跟妻子说假如我现在就死了,你现在就是个寡妇了If I died, you would be a widow用了虚拟语气的话,就表示。




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