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[motionless和immobile区别]immobile motionless inactive


motionless 束手无策,You are motionlessmoveless 动也不动,The snack is moveless during winter蛇在冬眠stationary 静止 The stationary typhoon is terrible区别很大。

3 fixed= do not change=be not erraticinstable 固定的,不变的有时fixed=immobile=motionless=static=stationary 不移动的, 静止的 4 flexible=adaptable=elastic 可变通的 5 forage for=hunt for=search for 搜寻食物等。

选 Cstagnant motionless 不动的,静止的 呆若木鸡的inactive 不活动的,不活跃的stagnant 不景气的停滞的 immobile固定的 不变的 稳定的。

[motionless和immobile区别]immobile motionless inactive

motionless adj不动的,静止的 motion sickness 晕船或车 graceful motions 优雅的举止 on the motion of MrKing 在金先生的动议下 The motion was adoptedcarriedrejected by a majority of six 那项动议以六票的多数被采纳。

并非所有的水果和蔬菜都适合冷藏固定,限定价格工资冻结资产freeze n 严寒时期 冻结资产 freeze up 常用被动式冻住,凝固 chill refrigerate stiffen melt freeze 5frizfriz动保持,冻结 To suspend。

To become motionless or immobile, as from surprise or attentiveness楞住,吓住如因惊奇或注意变得不运动或静止如 I heard a sound and froze in my tracks我听到一种声音而吓得停下了脚步。

To become motionless or immobile, as from surprise or attentiveness楞住,吓住如因惊奇或注意变得不运动或静止I heard a sound and froze in my tracks我听到一种声音而吓得停下了脚步 To become unable。

lieliedlyinglay的区别一指代不同 1lie谎言,位置2lied编造谎言3lying撒谎4lay放置,安放二用法不同 1lie是不及物动词,常与around,down,in,on等词连用,不能用于被动结构。

2 He is standing still =standing motionless“already”用于肯定句,“yet”用于否定句如1 He has already finished his homework2 I have not finished reading the book yet注意“already”用于疑问句。

侐 unmoving, still, hushed, immobile, soundless, motionless 阒 quiet, still 安 safe, secure, quiet, calm, content, still 恹 contented, peaceful, relaxed, serene, peaceable, still 连词 还是 or。



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