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Found to have a wait in front of the old lady was crossing the road, hitting the brakes too late already! The old lady saw the whole person to lie on the front of the car on the road, motionless, beside a;A sigh pulsed through the airthey did not seem to actually hear it, but rather felt it, like the premonition of movement in a motionless void Then the great tree, burdened with its weight of years and snow。

My families are always doing what is best for meThey are always on my sideI love each person in my family I love my sweet warm home我的家有4个人我的父母,我的哥哥,和我我的家庭很棒,我很快乐;The New Year#39s sun shone on the lifeless child motionless she sat there with the matches in her lap, one bundle of them quite burnt out “She has been trying to warm herself, poor thing!” the people said。

Finally, sorry to see the train carrying dim go a father Station platform, looking forward to watching from afar,dim motionlessIn this story, there is no sorrow and no tears May be, should not all;stood此处相当与系动词,griefstriken此处表状态和by this senseless tragedy 一块做状语。

motionless 束手无策,You are motionlessmoveless 动也不动,The snack is moveless during winter蛇在冬眠stationary 静止 The stationary typhoon is terrible区别很大;Motionless in White是一支来自美国宾夕法尼亚州斯兰克顿的金属核乐队于2005年成军,乐队成员包括Chris Motionless主唱,Ricky Horror节奏吉他,Devin ”Ghost” Sola贝斯,Ryan Sitkowski主音吉他,Joshua。

Note The position of quotstillquot before or after the verb makes difference in He is still standing continue to stand2 He is standing still =standing motionless“already”用于肯定句。


1、When the princess saw the distance is a very light, where is the fireflies The princess poke leaves, appearing before the white, no one is a unicorn, lie in the tree, and the princess was also very。

2、be covered with silver of armor, and like pieces of white sails in the war voyage In a snow scenery magnificent, between heaven and earth, unaware of monochromatic, can only see a silver, as though t。

3、这个就是你英语基础问题了,例如keep silent中,keep是动词,silent是形容词,这是个系表结构谓语范畴的,stand作系动词,motionless是表语。

4、歌曲名Abigail 歌手Motionless in White 专辑Creatures 标题Abigail 艺术家Motionless In White Burn baby burn, She#39s a witch,She#39s a witch and I#39m a heretic So, learn baby learn, She#39s a witch,She。


1、motionless 英#712m#601#650#643nl#601s美#712mo#650#643nl#601sadj不动的,静止的 呆若木鸡的 不运动的 靓例句1I stood motionless for a long time我一动不。

2、可以看作是系表结构,形容词作表语不宜看作是双重谓语有些不及物动词 ,在表示动作的同时也可以起系动词作用,可以看作是双重谓语在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用这种有双重作用的谓语称之为双重谓语。

3、There will be no stone will be a life?The casually kicked a stone will Hanteng, jigsaw puzzle in the Fangji under the stones are not life dark, winding road on a stone is not already own in the years。


4、I lay motionless in bed The night is here and the day is gone夜晚降临了,白天过去了 And the world spins madly on全世界继续疯狂地转着I thought of you and where you#39d gone我想着你而你又去了哪 And。




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