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1、predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科。



3、前任一般指关系或职位,而非职业如my ex泛指前任伴侣包括男女朋友夫妻关系等,而在职位上加上前或前任则指已经退出此职务或领导岗位的掌权者,如前市长前局长前机构负责人前总裁等值得注意的是前及前任的。

4、“重蹈覆辙” 比喻不吸取失败的教训, 重犯过去的错误,英语可翻译如下~follow the tracks of an overthrown chariot ~share the fate of its predecessor fall into a rut ~follow the same old disastrous road。


5、In the asteroid belt, in addition to the sun#39s gravity outside Jupiter#39s gravity plays a larger role Asteroid belt by the original group of stars in the solar nebula the predecessor of the planet than。

6、Santa#39s predecessor is Turkey west port city of Iraq this mill bishop Nicholas, he lived in the 4 th century, is kind and generous, for to the children are very good rich man 东正教尊重尼古拉斯,视其为。

7、食客 灵魂的味道 本次作品需要约100亿投资,主题是韩国和日本的料理大战现在在日本当地进行拍摄准备虽然剧中的主要人物还是盛灿,大令熟手等人物,但是为了体现本片不是2008版食客的续集,在人物性格和故事展开里会有。

8、US Democratic Party is one of the two major US political parties, its predecessor was founded in 1792 Jefferson Democratic Republican Party, the main representative of the founding of the early Southern。

9、高级加密标准 在加密技术,先进加密标准 AES ,也称为Rijndael算法,是一种分组密码通过加密标准由美国政府据分析广泛,目前全球范围内使用,如与它的前身 3 数据加密标准 DES AES公司宣布了美国国家标准。

10、but is called frequently by the modern internal public figure modern Mustang, this vehicle has substituted frontwheel drive Tiburon coupe, if but as a result of it predecessor not any common ground, simultaneou。

11、茅台 中国贵州茅台酒厂有限公司是中国公司, 著名为茅台国内外位于贵州省在中国, 公司有做茅台的一个悠久的历史尽早135 BC,茅台古老镇开始生产枸杞调味汁酒由皇武帝称赞汉朝, 并且这是调味汁茅台酒的前辈并且在巴拿马。

12、紧前活动的英文是Immediate Predecessor,有时也会被译为直接先趋块或者紧接前项活动,通常指正在进行的某项活动前的先决活动,在逻辑上有非常严格的先后次序例如,你必须在铲平土壤先行活动之后才能开始播种后继活动。


14、The left HuangJiang HeiWa buildings is net Keats temple, whose predecessor is a kingdom yue Lord built hui, wing Ming court, net Keats have before, temple after three temple Later LingYinSi standing in。

15、前三任鼓手分别是钱佑达陈泳锠及浊水溪公社的鼓手Robert目前鼓手为已解散乐队whynot的鼓手-冠佑Mayday this band in 1997, was established on March 29 originating in Taiwan Taipei Mayday predecessor is SoBand。

16、operating company 营业公司, 自营公司 company 5kQmpEnin一群, 一队 交往的人 客人 同伴, 陪伴 交际, 交往 公司, 商号 军连 全体船员 聚会, 集会, 社团 in the company of 在陪同下 He。



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