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cooperating-cooperating with each other


合伙制律师事务所 law office in partnership cooperating law ofice 合同审查草拟修改 contract review, drafting and revision 会见当事人 interview a client 会见犯罪嫌疑人 interview a criminal suspect 兼职律师 parttime la。

英 k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t 美 ko#712ɑp#601#716ret意思vi合作,配合,协助v合群互助结合变形过去式cooperated过去分词cooperated现在分词cooperating第三人称。

p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates过去分词cooperated现在进行时cooperating过去式cooperated 以上结果来自金山词霸。

“协昌” Cooperating Prosperity 解析 cooperate vt 协作,合作, 此处作定语,用其现在分词形式 Cooperating Prosperity n 繁荣, 昌盛,兴旺, 发达,成功 寓意 让我们协作起来,共同繁荣昌盛最后,祝贵公司好运。

the practice of cooperating 例 economic cooperation they agreed on a policy of cooperation collaboration n 合作,通敌 词形变化 时 态col·lab·o·rat·ed, col·lab·o·rat·ing, col·lab·o·rates 名。

表示合作,我一直都喜欢用 partnership 一词,因为这个词可以理解为“合作伙伴的关系”,而不仅仅是“合作”用 have been 表示动作的延续性如果这里不是 be,那么用完成进行时是非常适合的,如 have been cooperating。

cooperating-cooperating with each other

As is depicted in the cartoonthere are o handicapped men supporting each otherone is lame in the left leg, while the other in the other in the rightThey have overe their difficulty of lameness by cooperating with。

cooperating-cooperating with each other

cooperate 英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates过去分词cooperated现在进行时cooperating过去。

building materials the factory house, building materials supplier shares to place on sale information, combining will have the point open the exhibition advertises the promoCooperating the business overlays various b。



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