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中译英如下We attach great importance moon in this order, our QC Leo will always be from the day before yesterday and have been stationed in the factory, followup period of plant quality and the;汉英文翻译在线翻译有以下几种1Google翻译 Google翻译在界面上还是遵循了非常极简的谷歌风格,整体看起来和普通的翻译软件似乎也没有什么差别但是Google翻译还是有一点特色功能的,比如“实景翻译”但当阅读大段文章的时。

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2Formulate solutions, issued a notice To ensure this activity organized, planned smoothly, prevent ai and provincial health education has formulated the 2009 college students and youth in Shanxi Province on。

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1 They need to know urgently whether this room is available for a night2 The teacher sounds as if he#39s got a flu or a cough 3 For a long length of time, people in our country believe that。

拍照pāi zhào释义photograph take a picture网络photo Taking Pictures take pictures例句上车,各位你不是要帮我们拍照吗Hop in, fellasAren#39t you gonna photograph us。


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After watching the movie I deeply felt Life in the small before deathEven if every time someone can predict the danger, but a person#39s strength is to conquer not god of deathIn fact, the movie is。


给你挑了几个,都很不错哦有几个的翻译都是我一个字一个字敲出来的哦希望能帮到你啦My favourite cartoon character is Snow WhiteShe is in Snow White and the Seven DwarfsHer mother died and her。

In recent years, with the national implementation of the strategy to stimulate domestic demand, the railway construction company ushered in a golden period of development Construction of high speed passenger railway。




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