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conducive 英音k#601n#39djusiv美音k#601n#39djus#618v形容词 a有助的,有益的,促成的F+toExercise is conducive to good health运动有助于健康来自于动词conduce 英音k#601。


3讨人喜欢的 Conducive 有助的,有益的,促成的F+to1Exercise is conducive to good health运动有助于健康Advantageous 有利的有助的有益的 1His decision is advantageous to us他的决定对我们有利。

conducive environment是有益的环境的意思conducive是形容词,有益。

高度发达的newlyinvented新发明的等此外,文中的conducive用作形容词,解释为ldquo有助的有贡献的rdquo,常见的词汇搭配为be conducive to有助于hellip其动词形式为conduce有益于。



so that the character is not conducive to the healthy development of babies, cold treatment should be done, family members also do even the stem can also be temporarily left him, but not really whether or。

那些由思念和祝福制造的雪花在漫天飞舞,带给你一个快乐的新年这个秋天的晚上带给我太多的有伤不好意思哈,这个句子里面有一个单词错了,那个biessings 应该是blessings,呵呵 希望对你有帮助,谢谢采纳。

用英语怎么写“对于这个消息,我感到很高兴,因为这有利于我们家乡的发展”For the news,I feel very happy,because it is conducive to the development of our hometown相关单词学习conducive 英k#601n#712dju。

be conductive to里面的to是介词,所以后面接doing或者是名词,不能接to do形式be conductive to 音标英 bi k#601n#712d#652kt#618v tu 美 bi k#601n#712d#652kt#618v tu。

In recent years, with the rapid development of internet in China, youth get more chances to reach internet increasingly Youth age is a transition period between childhood and adulthood, it a critical period of。


as引起了让步状语从句的倒装,意为“尽管”“虽说”具体可查倒装句的语法和as的词法谓语部分is conducive to the growth of adolescents为谓语,此处并不是系表结构,而是be + adj 构成的复合谓语be conducive to。

“would ”是“will”的过去式,在此句中其作用和意思跟will都一样,用过去式表示一种委婉的语气,英语里有这种习惯比如,“Could you help me?”比“Can you help me”委婉。

which is conducive to the sustainable development of our country 是非限制性定语从句,关系代词 which 指代不定式主语 to solve air pollution and benefit future generations by eliminating factories from directly。

首先,没有看到有关这样的要求应该是约定俗成的用法因为conductive的英文和中文解释分别为英文解释able to conduct electricity,heat,etc 汉语解释导电或者热能等能传导电热等的 这样,后面加doing。

Instead of face to face teaching, now English teaching is on the Internet As we all know, every coin has two sidesAdvantages1Teaching on the Internet gives students more space to study on their own。



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