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[strikingtherightbalance课文翻译]striking the right balance课文翻译


strike a balance 的意思是取得平衡达到平衡达成平衡调和折中1strike作动词v意思是撞碰撞击碰撞打击击打,踢球等例句The child ran into the road and was struck by a car翻译孩子跑到公路。

突然或偶然发现遇到,邂逅例句 I struck the name of a friend of mine in the newspaper我在报纸上突然发现了我朋友的名字She was the most beautiful girl I had ever struck她是我见到过的最漂亮的姑娘19 植物。

英语in a striking display of irony翻译成中文是“以惊人的讽刺表现”重点词汇irony 一单词音标 irony单词发音英 #712a#618r#601n#618 美 #712a#618r#601ni 二单词释义。

again, so aggravated the burden of the left brain consumedlyThe human body has to strengthen to be subjected to the left leg function that the right brain control for supporting the balance of the whole。

A Wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and。

[strikingtherightbalance课文翻译]striking the right balance课文翻译

so it come to how to achieve the balance studies and play1 make a timetable on what should be done the night before, stick to the plan as tightly as possible, in the timetable, do not forget to。

[strikingtherightbalance课文翻译]striking the right balance课文翻译

I spied an elderly gentleman having difficulty holding onto his walking stick and his bag of applesI rushed over and relieved him of the apples,giving him time to regain his balance有一天,我到一个市场。

C 词义辨析 A 方式方法 B 对手同辈 C平衡匀称 D 设计句意公司正在努力寻找合适的供需平衡,但是这不是一件容易的事故选C。

Straight down the middle until next Thursday Reverse to the left, then back to the right Twist and turn #39til you#39ve got it right Get the balance right, get the balance right Get the balance right, get。

谁能帮帮忙,用英文介绍一下CS16里所有枪械的,或者帮忙翻译一下也行,原文于此html谢谢了,在线等太难了,看不懂啊 谁能帮帮忙,用英文介绍一下CS 16里所有枪械的,或者帮忙翻译一下也行,原文。



Responsible person designated by the technical part, so that users mainly equipment procurement departments the designated agent is responsible for their own business and user commissionsProcess through an agent B to find。

The balance on your account is US$5你的帐户上余额为五美金6平衡物抵消因素C+to7剩余部分C8比较,对比U9决定权U10大部分,优势the S及物动词 vt1使平衡保持的平衡 In。



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