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stickto例句,stick to 例句


stick to的用法和例句如下Stick to a bank account and debit card 坚持使用银行账户或者是签证卡The government must stick to its promises 政府必须坚守它自己的承诺Stick to a homework schedule 严格遵守家庭作业计划Stick to the sauna in finland 在芬兰,要坚持桑拿浴。

例句1Stick to it!坚持下去!2I can stick to my guns我能够坚持自己的主张3Reporter should stick to investigating the facts记者应该坚持调查事实真相insist on 是坚决主张坚决要求强调的意思它的后面可以接动名词,强调坚持做某某的行为,动作例句1I insist on your takinginsi。

1Stick to it!坚持下去!2I can stick to my guns我能够坚持自己的主张3Reporter should stick to investigating the facts记者应该坚持调查事实真相4You may flour the pastry board so that the dough doesn#39t stick to it你可以在做糕点的面板上撒些面粉,这样揉好的面粉就不会粘到。

1insist on 坚持意见,主张 但是要注意它的后面可以接动名词,He insisted on going there by to 坚持原则,诺言,决定,计划,意见等 ,但是要注意它的后面只加名词,不加doing We must stick to our task till it is finished。

stickto例句,stick to 例句

stick to 有忠于理想等坚持继续的意思它的后面只加名词 例如to stick to the Party#39s line 坚持党的路线insist on 是坚决主张坚决要求强调的意思它的后面可以接动名词,例如to insist on the importance of sth 强调某事的重要性He insisted on going with me 他坚决。

双语例句 1 As long as you choose the right path, you should stick to it只要选择的路是对的,就要坚定不易的走下去2 If you know what youre doing is important and right, stick to it如果你知道你做的事是重要且正确的,那就要坚持下去3 So, when you have that plan, try。

stick to it是什么意思stick to it 坚持下去 例句 Also plan your budget and try to stick to it公司亦计划在您的预算和尝试,坚持下去Well, it might if we both stick to it如果我们坚持这么说可能会好点。

stick to坚持,遵守,自己意愿,主动认为要做的be stuck to被粘在,暗含被动的意思,看两个例句就明白了 例Stick to your principles, and you will win through 坚持你的原则,就会胜利Certainly, I wouldn#39t have wanted to be stuck on a desert island with her for any。

1stick on意思把某物粘贴在上,保持在上面2stick to意思紧随,紧跟,呆在近旁,坚持不变,遵守,坚持诺言协议决定原则等,遵循规则二用法不同 1stick on用法作“产生作用,生效,起作用”解stick既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词用作及物。

insist on是一种主观行为,是指坚持某种主张意见或要求,可译为“一定要”“坚持要”,宾语可为名词或动名词insist on doing sth还有“坚持继续做某事,执意做某事”的意思三典型例句 1stick to Stick to your principles, and you will win through 坚持你的原则,就会胜利。


stick to it是一个常用短语,指坚持,执着于某事 sticktoitness,这个拼法不太常见,正确拼法是sticktoitiveness 是由stick to it衍生的口语名词,也写作sticktoitiveness,就是指毅力,持之以恒,坚韧性例句The only way she has published so many books is through sticktoit。

你是不是搞错了,没有stick to doing 吧We must stick to our promise whether or no不管怎样,我们心须遵守诺言。

stick to it是一个常用短语,指坚持,执着于某事 sticktoitiveness是由stick to it衍生的口语名词,也写作sticktoitiveness,就是指毅力,持之以恒,坚韧性例句The only way she has published so many books is through sticktoitiveness。

harken back to me 听我说back 是个介词harken是倾听的意思 类似于come back to get ahead of oneself 中文的正确翻译是 言之过早 或者 打乱了顺序 例句i have to stick to my notes or I will get ahead of myself in my lecture 我必须 按着我的笔记来,否则在课上我会弄乱。

I don’t know where Charlie Chaplin got his stickWill you tell me how I can keep fit and healthy?Do you know why he crossed his arms?3 由连词whether或if引导口语中常用if如She asked me if she could borrow these booksI wonder whether if Lin Qiaozhi remembered。


stickto例句,stick to 例句



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