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Ie tried to kill Tom, the result Shi Zuzhui into the ravine and died 汤姆和哈克发现了伊江埋的一箱金子,两人平分,都成了富翁 Tom and Huck found in Iraq buried in a box of gold river, the two equally, have be。

the occupation of Iraq is just a huge Jewish groups plan a prelude to invasion US forces took over Iraq, Iran will have weapons of mass destruction as an excuse to send troops to Iran, Syria#39s turn。

were sold to slave traders in the South On board, Tom met a little girl linked to Iraq, one day, Eva accidentally fell into the water, Tom rushed to save her Eva like Tom, for his father on S。

Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace , so they hang up a sock for him to put。


空中不是做谓语成分,所以不能考虑它是were sent, 而是考虑非谓语形式,又是表示被动,所以是sent 做后置定语修饰things。

Most of New Zealand was divided into tribal territories called rohe, resources within which were controlled by an iwi #39nation#39 or #39tribe#39 Māori adapted to eating the local marine resources, flora and fauna for。

were sent to the exhibition送到展览会,送的方向,from various parts of the world送的来源,一个去向,一个来源,构成两个意群。

they two intellectuals were sent to a small town though it becomes my hometown and it was they who, dedicated themselves to the socalled city construction She swept the streets, plants trees, and di。

罗尔德达尔的英文介绍是1英文介绍Rold Dahl, born in Cardiff Randolph, Wales, graduated from Catholic Randolph school, ripton public school and believes in CatholicismNorwegian British outstanding children#39s。


Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act, a bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections85 and the Iraq War DeEscalation Act of 2007,86 neither of which have been signed into。

ent, every minute her you can bear those ing you ter was written by me, the rose was sent by me, the39Time is a great thing,can let fate displaced within Iraq 时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。

没有错误主动句为Sb saw the wounded sent to the hospital immediately变为被动句为The wounded were seen sent to the hospital immediately解释主动句采用了“感官动词see + 宾语the wounded + 宾语补足语sen。

2Until the 1980s almost all olives were packed into jars by hand我不知道他是怎样进入伊拉克的 2She got up and went into an inner1Sixteen teams are taking part, divided into four groups 有16个。

Still, Hussein had an experienced and wellequipped army, which he used to influence regional affairs, for example, by pressuring Kuwait to forgive its share of Iraq’s debt In August 1990 Hussein sent troops into。

Most of New Zealand was divided into tribal territories called rohe, resources within which were controlled bySomalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Sinai, Angola, Cambodia, the IranIraq border, Bougainville and East Timor。



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