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1、无知 形容词ignorant 名词ignorance nescience emptiness innocence unwisdom 呵呵,如果是说人的话用ignorant。

2、词源1340年进入英语,直接源自古法语的innocent最初源自古典拉丁语的innocentemin 不+ nocentem 伤害,意为没有伤害副词innocently。

3、innocently adverb ORIGIN Middle English from Old French, or from Latin innocent ‘not harming,’ from in ‘not’ + nocere ‘to hurt’USAGE Innocent properly means #39harmless,#39 but it has long been ex。


4、guilty,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“有罪的内疚的”短语搭配Guilty Gear 圣骑士之战 罪恶装备 罪恶装备X 罪恶工具 plead guilty 服罪 承认有罪 认罪 认罪答辩 Innocently Guilty 法内情。

5、Finally I found everything ended without start 没有结束也不会开始There is neither end nor start 原来一切都不会开始,也不会结束!Neither end nor start 原来一切都是梦!All what happened is only a dream 没有。


6、Why am I so clumsy?I#39m always worry about you like a foolI#39m always thinking about youThough,you don#39t mind me a littleHave you ever think of me?Whatever without me or stay in me, you#39re。

7、有些花一生都只开一次,比如竹子有些人一生都难忘记,比如初恋有些爱情一生也只能遇一次,灿如烟火,美丽却瞬间即失Some flowers, such as bamboo, can only bloom once in life Some people, such as your。

8、Diary prepared to turn over a broken heart I do not know what you have lost count of how But I believe that as long as there is magic of love However, in exchange for frustrated again and again Love。

9、jobhoppyA Where do you work?B I work for Westclox, a company that makes clocks Are you still working for that internet company?A Oh no, I left them long time ago In fact, I#39ve changed。

10、7Sincerity Use no hurtful deceit think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly真诚不欺骗,有良知,为人厚道,说话实在8Justice Wrong by doing injuries, or omitting the。

11、and the advertising of children’s products Fairly innocently they can bring up sites that do not touch on the topic they are trying to find, or someone can send them images or messages that are。


13、总线带宽,即Bus bandwidth的首字母对于电子电路中的带宽,决定因素在于电路设计它主要是由高频放大部分元件的特性决定,而高频电路的设计是比较困难的部分,成本也比普通电路要高很多这部分内容涉及到电路设计的知识,对此。

14、戚玉武 饰演 谢朗平 戚玉武是1999年才华横溢出新秀新加坡最具权威的区域性演艺新人选拔赛之广东之星的男冠军因出演新加坡电视剧小娘惹而被观众所熟知参演电视剧 2015暗战危城饰戚本礼 2015嘿,老头。

15、怦然心动是由罗伯·莱纳导演的一部青春爱情喜剧电影,豆瓣评分90分布莱斯卡兰麦克奥利菲 Callan McAuliffe 饰全家搬到小镇,邻家女孩朱丽玛德琳卡罗尔 Madeline Carroll 饰前来帮忙她对他一见钟情,心愿是获得。

16、And no one told her why 却无人能解原因何在 Her direction has a dimlight 前途暗淡,看不到未来 From one more violent crime 她为这又一桩暴行所害 She innocently questioned why 无辜的质问苍天 Why。

17、Please turn back, she#39s waiting for youDon#39t mind my tears, they are jusi in my heartI still remember your words, they are not fakeThat#39s OK, you were nice to meI look into my cellphone。



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