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1、successive 英 s#601k#712ses#618v 美 s#601k#712s#603s#618vadj连续的,相继的 继承的,接替的 逐次 连续的历届接连的接连 派生词successively successiveness 双语例句 1。

2、successive英s#601k#712ses#618v美s#601k#712s#603s#618vadj逐次 连续的,相继的 继承的,接替的例句1Iron ore imports have shrunken for two successive months铁矿石进口。

3、successive英s#601k#712ses#618v美s#601k#712s#603s#618vadj逐次 连续的,相继的 继承的,接替的网络接连的,连续的 连接的 继承的例句With this approach, building integ。


4、successive 英 s#601k#712ses#618v 美 s#601k#712s#603s#618v adj 连续的,相继的继承的,接替的逐次 例句1Big credits were given to East Germany by successive West。

5、successive 英s#601k#712ses#618v美s#601k#712s#603s#618vadj连续的,相继的 继承的,接替的 逐次以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1Manufacturing output fell for a fifth。

6、success s?k#39ses基本翻译 n成功,成就胜利大获成功的人或事物 网络释义 success成功 社科赛斯 胜利 successive s?k#39sesiv基本翻译 adj连续的继承的依次的接替的 网络释义 successive连续的。

7、一successive 侧重指一个接着一个连续发生one after another1It was unfortunate that he underwent three successive operations in the past sixteen months很不幸,他在过去16个月里连续经历了三次手术2。


8、successive 侧重指一个接着一个连续发生one after another1It was unfortunate that he underwent three successive operations in the past sixteen months很不幸,他在过去16个月里连续经历了三次手术2The。


10、success s?k#39ses基本翻译 n 成功,成就胜利大获成功的人或事物 网络释义 success成功 社科赛斯 胜利 successive s?k#39sesiv基本翻译 adj 连续的继承的依次的接替的 网络释义 successive连续的。

11、误The performance was successive正The performance was successful析successful=成功的successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的如We have won five successive games 我们已连胜五场比赛你想找所新房子你找到。

12、Succeedsuccesssuccessful的区别为指代不同用法不同侧重点不同,用法如下一指代不同 1Succeed达到目的2success成功3successful获得成功的二用法不同 1Succeedsucceed的基本意思是“成功”“。

13、continuous 连续进行,比如雨下个不停 It has been raining continuouslysuccessive 是一个接一个的 Jackson was the winner for a second successive year 连续两年获胜。

14、successive s#601k#39sesivadj 接连的,连续的,接二连三的 例句与用法I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops我买了一本关于。

15、我深知在该领域成功所需要的敬业精神和交际能力The book is a big success in terms of the interest it aroused就这本书所引起的兴趣而言,它写得极其成功This is analogous to the successive approximation given。

16、successive fractions 逐次分馏 fraction英#712fr#230k#643n美#712fr#230k#643#601nn数 分数 一小部分,些微 不相连的一块,片段 化 分馏例句The other children follow。



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