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1、ability能力指智力或体力上的能力,主要指人这种能力可能是先天的,也可能是通过学习或锻炼等方法而获得的A pilot has the ability to fly his plane through a storm 飞行员有驾驶飞机穿过暴风雨的本领He shows;You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn#39t jump the fence, or that your client doesn#39t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence;在你的一生中,与你相处打交道时间最长的人是你自己然而,你最不了解的也是你自己当生活处于上升阶段时,你往往会高估自己总觉得想要的东西都触手可得好运气和机遇时常光顾你,组成你财富的一部分,这是你大喜过;Humility is based on strength, pride on incompetence 10强烈的希望,比任何一种已实现的快乐,对人生具有更大的激奋作用 Strong hope, than any kind of happiness that has been realized, has a greater role in life 11。

2、侥幸心理的英语fluke mind1fluke mind 英 flu#720k ma#618nd 美 flu#720k ma#618nd侥幸心理Especially, in the early time of enterprise, there would be lots of fluke mind to;1accuse, charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意2accuse, charge它们后面所搭配的介词不同accuse v指控,控诉,与介词of连用The police accused him of theft警察指控他犯有盗窃罪charge v可以指因为小错;of ten must be given about every three months 因为此毒素的作用时期是有限的,每三个月必须治疗一次 Because of his incompetence, we lost a lot of business因为他的能力不足,我们失去很多生意。

3、下面这段诗里的第12行到第17行Imaginationhere the Power so called from The Prelude, Book 6by William Wordsworth Imaginationhere the Power so called Through sad incompetence of human speech,That awful;In the cold of the Klondike, incompetence is deadly, not only for the three foolish Americans but also for the team of dogs, for the humans’ poor planning has brought them to the brink of starvation Hal, Charles;一“思考”用英语一般表达为think deeply 二词组解析 音标英 θ#618#331k #712di#720pli 美 θ#618#331k #712di#720pli释义思考思索 重点单词think 音标英 θ。


4、人内心的一切痛苦,都源自于对自己无能的愤怒英语是All the pain in the heart comes from the anger of his incompetence解释pain 英pe#618n 美penn 痛苦 刻苦 令人厌烦的人事物;I have collected and analyzed many companies, I can not bet our future than I am in a capacity of human beings, who also have to face the incompetence of the exclusion Suppressing Even overhead You are measuring;不是翻译机器如果我们分析了政府的任何组织的话,就会发现有三种类型的政府正在从事的执行这种状态,首先,当局在适用法律的情况下出现在混凝土由于争议的私人或公共部门的权利来观察其它政府机构的被称为司法机关这些定义,它将;如下本文是一篇人物童话,通过一个昏庸无能而又穷奢极欲的皇帝受骗上当的故事,揭露和讽刺了皇帝和大臣们的虚伪愚蠢和自欺欺人的丑行This article is a fairy tale character, but incompetence by an extravagant。


5、6 A mixture of crony capitalism and gross incompetence has been on display in the core financial markets of New York and London在纽约和伦敦等核心金融市场上,一直上演的是裙带资本主义和严重无能相混合的情形;As if is he in the chaos of the universe found a new pattern, is awkwardly to describe it down, because of incompetence, the heart is very painful I#39ve seen a tortured soul struggling to find ways of exPssion。

6、句子是You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn#39t jump the fence, or that your client doesn#39t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence。



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