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题目错了吧 The store sells things at high prices 这个店出售的东西在高价位 is去掉 He plays basketball well,他篮球打得很好 Her favourite subjects are science and English 她最爱的学科是科学和英语 求采纳;she make supper The food is delicious I am a student I have Chinese, math and English everyday That is boring I have many friends After class, I play with my friendsWe are tried, but we are。

Lesson 42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 First listen and then answer the question 听录音,然后回答以下问题 What happened when the snake charmer;Lingokids is the perfect app for kids 28 years old! Because when learning is fun, kids love to learn! Find out more here;买的英语意思 buy买的相关英语例句 这件衬衣是你自己做的还是买的?Did you make this shirt or buy it?她给我买了一本英语词典She bought an English dictionary for me我对你答应她买这么贵的衣服感到吃惊;今天的生活与古人的生活有了一个重要的差别生活中增添了许多机器机器正在重新组织我们的生活家里一大堆遥控器仍在那里,不知哪个遥控器控制那台机器机器给我们带来的一个重要感觉是,生活节奏越来越快了生活的每一个。


plays ,sounds ,likes ,does ,has ,loves ,watches ,knows #9758#9831手工翻译#9728尊重劳动#9728欢迎提问#9728感谢采纳#9831#9756;Let me have a look, please请让我看一看Let’s play a game today今天让我们做游戏Shall we go now?现在我们走吗?Let’s go to school让我们去上学Yes, let’s go!好的,我们走吧Don’t close the door不要关门Don’;Online Shopping at Gearbest for the best cell phones, electronic gadgets, toys, sporting goods, home products and apparel for geeks at unbeatable great prices。





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