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1、offspring,名词,指动物幼崽,人的子女人的后代,此时为幽默用法或正式用法我们都知道春天是繁殖的季节,也知道“春风一度”这个成语 汉语翻译 n 子孙, 后代, 产物法 后辈, 子孙, 后裔 词型变化名词复数off。


2、offspring 英#160#712#594fspr#618#331美#160#712#596fspr#618#331n后代,子孙#160产物,结果#160动物的崽#160幼苗例句We are awaiting#160offsp。

3、offspring 后代,后辈 ancestor 祖先 heir 继承人 关于家庭的英语对话谈论家庭情况 AHow many persons are there in your family?A你家多少人?BThere are three my parents and IB就三个我父母和我ADo。

4、offspring 后代,后辈 ancestor 祖先 heir 继承人 春节快乐~。


6、1学习用品类eraser crayon pencil sharpener pencil box blackboard 黑板 a piece of chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图 set square 三角板 protractor 量角器 compass, pair of compasses 圆规 2水果。


8、offspring Never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another#39s peace or reputation爱惜身体,延年益智13 谦逊 HumilityImitate Jesus and Socrates 以耶稣苏格拉底为范 参考资料。

9、OFFSPRINGSexual maturity is reached beeen 5 to 10 years Females give birth every o to three years to one calf Gestation lasts 10 to 12 months and the average calf is 23 feet long and weighs 4,440。

10、Offspring Why Don#39t You Get A Job? 兔崽子们为什么你们不去找工作 My friend#39s got a girlfriend 我的朋友有个女朋友 and he hates that bitch 他恨死了那个sao货 He tells me every day 他每天都跟我诉说。

11、The story and a father go to the country#39s two sisters,at home beside a big tree found only good children can see TOTORO Meantime happened many inconceivable interesting storyOne day,my sister millet and。

12、By the age of offspring development as a series of sacrifice, celebrations Have not kill chickens, second day stattin don#39t kill dog, ising not kill pig Seventh not executing customs 3 爆竹 中国民间有“开门。

13、development rate, transplanting efficiency rate of bear and red panda embryo, providing bears and red pandas for invitro fertilisation offspring of artificially inseminated bears and red pandas, and natural offspring of red。

14、v i Progeny issue offspringv i Generationv i The period of increasing light, or luminous phase the waxing said of the moonthe act of increasing something quothe gave me an increase。

15、世系,血统 offspring 后代,后辈 ancestor 祖先 heir 继承人 family 家庭 marriage 婚姻 spouse 配偶 couple 夫妻 parents 父母 child 孩子 single 单身者 male 男的 female 女的 husband 丈夫 wife 妻子。

16、前面那个均来自拉丁语 proletarius 含义是 a man whose only wealth is his offspringwhose sole service to the state is as father “穷得只剩后代的人”,作为贬义可以翻译为“对国家的唯一贡献是他们的后代的人”。

17、以宗教为主要诉求的流行庞克乐团MXPX,发迹于1992年华盛顿特区的Bremerton,由主唱贝斯手Mike Herrera鼓手Yuri Ruley及吉他手Andy最初团名为Magnified Plaid,造成改变的原因是Yuri在宣传海报上书写团名缩写MP时,他的。

18、酗酒者 词典 sot 医 intemperant potator strenuus例句当然,并不是所有的酗酒者和吸毒者都会生育出不正常的后代Of course, not all alcoholics and drug abusers produce deviant offspring。




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